I want to share my honest feedback. I've seen a lot of talk of "good vs evil" and "us vs them" the past couple of months. The truth is, everyone has some good and evil in them whether they are aware of it or not. The evil is the result of fear and hate, which I can sense from both sides. As a matter of fact, every human experiences fear and hate. I've never met a human on this earth that I would say possessed 0% fear or hate. But, nobody on this earth is 100% evil either, not even the antagonist.
It seems to me that most people tend to identify the side they're on as good and the other side as evil or bad. From the "good" side's perspective, it seems mindboggling how so many people could have been misled into supporting something perceived as evil. In reality, both campaigns this year have run primarily by playing on people's fears, by claiming the opponent is a threat to democracy and through other manipulation tactics. For this, I currently see both sides as evil as this message only fuels the epidemic of fear and hate in this country. But both sides can become good if they can forgive and work together.
I'm an independent now and am hopefully never going back to a party again. The two parties are like cults to me now. And now they've basically become two cults of fear and hate, just with different banners. But they both claim that they're fighting for good. I just don't see it. I think the key to escaping this pattern is to work on ourselves and escape the matrix, like you mentioned. It isn't fun though. It definitely can be stressful and uncomfortable not feeling like you belong to the group. But maybe it will become more fun once more people throw in the towel and join the movement to becoming free and independent.